Execute the below query against the log database usually named as WSS_Logging unless we have changed to something else...
select [RowCreatedTime], [ProcessName], [Area],
[Category], EventID, [Message]
from [WSS_UsageApplication].[dbo].[ULSTraceLog]
where CorrelationId='<GUID>'
Replace <guid> with correlation id.
Note-: Prior to executing the above query make sure that timer job name "Diagnostic Data Provider: Trace Log " job (you should see this at Central Admin -> Monitoring -> Review job Definitions) is enabled. If the dbo.ULSTraceLog view does not exist this job will create it.
select [RowCreatedTime], [ProcessName], [Area],
[Category], EventID, [Message]
from [WSS_UsageApplication].[dbo].[ULSTraceLog]
where CorrelationId='<GUID>'
Replace <guid> with correlation id.
Note-: Prior to executing the above query make sure that timer job name "Diagnostic Data Provider: Trace Log " job (you should see this at Central Admin -> Monitoring -> Review job Definitions) is enabled. If the dbo.ULSTraceLog view does not exist this job will create it.
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