Thursday, November 17, 2011

Inplace Vs Gradual Upgrade SPS 2003 to MOSS 2007

In-place upgrade-:
An in-place upgrade takes place on the same hardware as your previous version installation. When you run an in-place upgrade, the process upgrades your entire installation in a pre-set sequence.

Gradual upgrade-:
Similar to an in-place upgrade, a gradual upgrade takes place on the same hardware that is used for your previous version installation. However, a gradual upgrade allows you to control when upgrade takes place for each individual site collection, and it also allows you to continue running the previous version and the new version side by side on that hardware. When you perform a gradual upgrade, the starting and ending topologies have the same configuration, similar to an in-place upgrade except for the following differences:
  • During and after upgrade, the front-end Web servers run both Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Any upgraded site collections run under Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, whereas site collections that could not be upgraded or that were not selected for upgrade continue to run under Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.
  • During and after upgrade, both the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 and the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases are available. Content for upgraded sites is stored in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 databases; content for sites that could not be upgraded or that need to remain as they were continue to be stored in the Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 databases. Configuration databases exist for both Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Windows SharePoint Services 2.0.

In-Place Vs Gradual-:
I personally prefer gradual upgrade over in-place because of many reasons, out of which few are listed below...
  • Time saving-: gradual upgrade will allow you to see the upgrade and roll back if you need to. where as in case of in-place you will required to reinstall the version of sharepoint that needs to be migrated if something goes wrong while installation.
  • Reduced downtime-: Any mistakes (such as forgetting to run prescan.exe) or failures (running out of disk space) could result in extended downtime or expense.
  • Both versions of SharePoint will run in parallel on the same machine on different ports.
  • In-place more complex than gradual-: With my experience I found that in-place was more complex as against the recommendation from Microsoft.
Few recommendations-:
  • Prior to migration make sure all the webpart dll have been recompiled using framework 2.0 as MOSS runs on .net framework 2.0 and SPS 2003 runs on .net framework 1.1.
  • All html tag errors like unclosed tags should be fixed prior to migration else post migration you will see the file not found errors.
  • Plan for site upgrade in prior to migration for example-:site groups from SPS 2003 will become permission levels in MOSS 2007.
  • Extra considerations need to taken care if the migration is happening for 64 bit farms.

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